Published and Upcoming Novels and Stories


Promotional Image for Past Mistakes

Past Mistakes is the story of Emily, a New York-based exorcist with a questionable work ethic, who finds herself drawn into events that are beyond her ability to handle, and which relate to her personally in ways that become gradually more apparent.

The first three chapters were marketed in 2021-2022 and garnered a solid 4.6/5 rating on their own on Goodreads. To be published in 2024.


Peter Givens appears on a road in the present day, sick and dying from the consequences of time travel. This is the price he was prepared to pay for the chance, however slight, to change one thing in the past.

But time travel is illegal, and his plan has drawn the attention of authorities and criminals alike, all of whom have something to gain, and a lot to lose, from his journey of redemption.

Work in progress.

Promotional image for Erasure

Short Stories


Amber’s husband returns from the war without his shadow. She soon discovers that this is not the only thing he has lost, and must come to terms with the man he has become.

Rare Gifts

A strange man seeks an elusive shop to acquire a unique gift for his beloved. But can he be forgiven the price it costs? (light horror)

Only the Wicked

A Holmes-and-Watson-style duo try to solve cases that involve weird and extraordinary powers wielded by improbable criminals.

Machine Man

How do you reclaim your humanity when it has been taken from you? Perhaps only when someone finds it and gives it back.

In-Flight Magic

The two girls in the seat row behind him are having a very strange conversation in the middle of a very turbulent flight.

What You Might Find

A pickpocket is wrongfooted when he discovers something about his victim, and seeks to make amends.

The Emancipation of Shadows

The first, and very different, version of “Shadows”. In the midst of war, people are losing their shadows. When Amber’s own shade seeks to escape, what part of herself, exactly, is she at risk of losing?

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