
Mystical book with a magical world emanating from it's pages.


Nick Lavitz has been a new author … since 2015.

He’s travelled and lived all over the world, and yet still relies on his imagination to escape it.

He has far too large a collection of unfinished stories, which deserve a more constant form of attention and affection than he has so far given them.

He’s a husband, a father, a son, a brother, a cousin and a friend, the last two of those things many times.

He’s an acolyte of speculative fiction in most of its forms.

Nick has a voracious appetite for books, and a collection that overflows the space alloted to it.

The first book he read cover-to-cover as a child was the Neverending Story by Michael Ende. The first book he read that taught him science fiction could be amazing was The Player of Games by Iain M Banks. The first fantasy novel he read that taught him fantasy could also be literature was A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula Le Guin.


I’m very open to hearing from and communicating with like-minded people, so if you share my interests or you’re also an author, you can always reach out. Anything you type into the form to the right goes straight to my email. Please provide a working address to reply to.

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